On March 23, 2021, the world woke up to the suspension of maritime traffic in the Egyptian Suez Canal due to the stranding of one of the largest container ships in the world, the accident resulted in the formation of a long queue of 150 ships waiting for the problem to be resolved, which took 6 days. This incident was an example of disruption that may affect shipping due to unfavorable weather conditions and other problems that lead to delays of shipmen. In this article, we highlight one of the important shipping alternatives, which is the air freight method, to learn why it is the best way to ship many types of goods.

1. Reliable means of shipping

Airlines are keen to adhere to the flight schedule and accurate arrival and departure times, which makes air freight more reliable, unlike sea freight, as ports are forced to close regularly due to poor environmental conditions such as weather and tides, and road freight is subject to traffic and road laws that affect the ability of truck drivers to transport goods.

Reliability is not limited to the fact that the air freight method is more stable and less likely to stop air navigation, but flights have become frequent, as flights are available on any day during which you want the goods to arrive, and a great variety in the timing of the trip, as departure flights do not stop every few minutes, which enables you to find the right flight, and this feature is especially important if receiving goods at a certain time is the most important priority, such as shipping perishable products such as food commodities and flowers.

2. Fastest transportation routes

The distance between the port of Yangshan in China and the English port of Felixesto takes 28 days, while the flight between Shanghai and London does not exceed 13 hours, in other words, sea freight as an example takes many times the time it takes the air freight method, and the same applies to land freight, which is not surprising if we know that planes generally travel at a speed of about 900 kilometers per hour.

If an error occurs and the cargo journey is missed, air travel is much more frequent than land or sea transport, so the resumption of the journey will take place in much less time, instead of waiting for many days, in addition to the above, the goods are handled, inspected and cleared customs at a much faster pace, due to the disciplined nature of the work system at airports.

From the above, speed is the biggest advantage that traders benefit from using air freight, as the merchant ensures that his shipment will reach him as quickly as possible on the same day, even with travel over vast distances from one continent to another, and this feature is of particular importance to traders of perishable goods, as it ensures that the goods will arrive with the highest quality.

3. Reduce the risk of theft and damage

Airport authorities take care of safety and security considerations and give them the utmost importance in their procedures and regulations, cargo safety is tightly managed, and airports are known for being one of the most regulated and disciplined transport facilities in the world, which reduces the possibility of error and theft.

In addition to the above, cargo reception areas are highly controlled, luggage and goods are packed according to strict packaging controls and minimum handling, thus reducing the chances of accidents during transport, and the air freight method is characterized by the completion of customs clearance procedures for the goods within hours, which means that the goods are limited to risks.

So if you are worried about the loss, damage or theft of the goods during transit, air freight is the safest means of transport than other modes of transport.

4. Network transfer from anywhere in the world

Sea freight depends on coastlines and needs land transport as well because the ship cannot reach the specific destination required to receive the goods, while land freight depends on paved road networks and is therefore very limited in range, as it is difficult, for example, to transport goods through many countries when the destination is far or remote.

Air cargo does not suffer from these restrictions and challenges, as planes can transport your goods from almost any destination in the world, flying over sea and land obstacles and receiving from difficult and remote places that are difficult to connect to other shipping routes.

The airline has an extensive network covering many cities and capitals that provides global access to almost anywhere on the planet, so it’s no surprise that air freight has become the backbone that connects the different parts of the world together.

5. Easy shipment tracking

Each flight is assigned its own number and clear information about the departure time and landing date, and many air cargo companies provide a shipment tracking service in real time via a web application, which means that you will be able to continuously follow the status of the goods from the moment you leave the airport until the moment of arrival, as you will receive updates about the time of delivery of the shipment and its storage in the airport warehouses and the take-off of the plane in the air and then its arrival at the destination.

6. Simpler packaging

Sea and rail freight is one of the harsh methods of transport on small and medium goods and high-value products, as heavier packaging materials should be used in certain containers and wrapped in a specific way, so it is preferable to resort to the air freight method in receiving these goods, where the goods are shipped in lightweight packages without the need for a lot of packaging materials, and this means avoiding unnecessary costs represented in packaging and storage expenses.

In conclusion, although the air freight method is the most expensive, it is the most reliable, efficient and safe to transport a lot of goods. If you are looking for a customs clearance company to help you receive your goods by air through Jeddah Airport, contact the Border Support Company for Customs Clearance, which will help in starting your business and completing all clearance procedures from Jeddah Airport.

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